TFF President Büyükekşi Met With FIFA President Infantino 5/17/2024
TFF President Büyükekşi Met With FIFA President Infantino
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Turkish Football Federation President Mehmet Büyükekşi met with FIFA President Gianni Infantino at 74th FIFA Congress held in Bangkok, the capital of Thailand.

FIFA President Infantino, who has been closely involved with "Football Development Project" initiated by TFF, Ministry of Youth and Sports and Ministry of National Education, was informed about the process as the project was launched with a target of 1 million students and reached 500 thousand students in 16 pilot provinces in a short period of 6 months.

FIFA President Infantino: "We are very pleased to support TFF's 'Football Development Project'"

President Infantino claimed that FIFA attaches great importance to introducing children to football at an early age, and said, "TFF's 'Football Development Project' is a very important and lovely project. As FIFA, we are very pleased to support this project." At 74th FIFA Congress, Turkish Football Federation was represented by President Mehmet Büyükekşi, Deputy President, Executive Board Member Responsible for FIFA, UEFA Relations and Foreign Affairs Mustafa Eröğüt, General Secretary Taner Senseven and Foreign Affairs and National Teams Executive Director Buğra İmamoğulları.

Important decisions were taken at FIFA Congress

Significant decisions were taken at FIFA Congress in Bangkok. Upon the application of Palestine Football Federation regarding the suspension of the membership of Israel Football Federation, it was decided to prepare a report within two months to be presented to FIFA Council and to convene FIFA Council without waiting for the regular meeting time to evaluate this report. It was also decided to act together by showing a common attitude against racism. As a result of the voting held at General Assembly, where the past and future budgets were approved, Brazil won the right to host FIFA Women's World Cup 2027.

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